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Înapoi la joburi
Autor · Victoria Căpătici
10 septembrie 2021
Republica Moldova
Colaborare proiecte

Freedom House Seeks Proposals for Policy Brief Series

Adresa Municipiul Chișinău

Tipul de angajare Temporar

Domenii de expertiză Drepturile omului, Educație și Cercetare

Orele de lucru Part time

Locul de munca La distanță

Limbi vorbite Engleză

Depune până la 27 iulie 2024

Freedom House seeks proposals based in Moldova, the Eastern Partnership region, and the European Union, for forward-looking briefs on media issues in Moldova.

Concept proposals can be subitted to [email protected] by October 7, 2021, with “Moldova Policy Briefs” in the subject line. The concept proposal should consist of an abstract of no more than 200 words, an outline of the argument and recommendations to be presented, and a CV of the principal researcher or researchers. Organizations may submit proposals for more than one brief. The priority will be given to concept proposals submitted in English.

Contracted researchers will be asked to deliver a draft of 2500-3000 words by November 30, 2021. The brief will be published by Freedom House, with the byline and affiliation of the scholar or researcher. An honorarium of $250 per brief is provided.

All the details of this call for proposals can be accessed here: https://bit.ly/2X48oGt 


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